Request a Trial class Not sure which class to choose? Send us an enquiry and one of our helpful team members will be in touch! Parent / Legal Guardian * First Name Last Name Dancer's Name First Name Last Name Dancer's Age 2.5 yrs 3yrs 4yrs 5yrs 6yrs 7yrs 8yrs 9yrs 10yrs 11yrs 12yrs 13yrs 14yrs 15yrs 16yrs 17yrs 18yrs+ Contact number * (###) ### #### Email * Class you would like to trial * Any medical/ allergies or important information we need to know? * I give permission for my child/ren to be shown on social media and or advertising * Yes, I give consent to the above No, I do not give consent to the above How did you hear about us? * Please keep an eye on your spam / junk folder for our reply! Thank you!